Breeder of Poodle Puppies for Sale in Illinois
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Welcome to the most well respected breeder of red and apricot poodles in Illinois!
Poodle Pups with Principal is family-owned and run and is located in Central IL (not far from Chicago!), with me (Frank) as the owner. We specialize in breeding and selling red, apricot, cream, and black poodle puppies, varying in size from toy, miniature and moyen. What separates me from most breeders is the extensive genetic testing/screening on all of our adult poodles, and for the 20+ years of experience I have in the poodle-breeding business. We do not have kennels/runs, so our dogs get daily attention and contact with us. Unlike many other dog businesses, who have multiple different breeds, we specialize specifically in breeding poodles. For more information, either contact us or visit our facebook page! We have well over 2500 followers on Facebook and most of the posts on our page are from previous owners showcasing the poodles they have purchased from us. Prices generally run from $100 to $2500 per puppy. We encourage you to scroll through all the tabs and learn even more about us and our puppies!
A little about me…
My name is Frank Reliford. I am a husband, father of 8 children, grandpa to 7 grandkids, Christian, retired school principal (hence, the name), and full-time poodle whisperer! Okay, well, maybe not that last part… However, I have been in the poodle business for roughly 20 years and have learned a thing or two! I love the poodle breed. They have unique looks, are non-shedding/hypoallergic, are widely considered to be one of the top 3 most intelligent dog breeds, have a wider variety of colors and sizes than any other breed. Poodles are so well respected that so many other breeds are mixed with poodles trying to get the favorable qualities that poodles have into their mixed puppies.
A little about my business…
As previously mentioned, Poodle Pups with Principal is a family-ran business, with many of the family playing an important role! We strive to ensure the highest quality health & wellness of our puppies and getting them to their perfect, forever family! We pride ourselves in ensuring that our dogs are socialized, which also means we do not keep them in kennels/runs. All of our puppies are kept indoors until they begin to be weaned. Our name “Poodle Pups with Principal” was chosen to be creative because although, our pups are raised in the home of a former principal, our goal is that our puppies would have principle! The most common feedback we get from our buyers is how social and adjusted our puppies are. From day one our puppies are handled regularly by members of our family, especially kids and grandkids! We also complete genetic testing/screening on all of our adult poodles, which leads to genetically sound puppies. Click on our page on genetic testing/screening to read about all we do to ensure you are getting a healthy puppy that will in turn be a healthy adult. We back that up with a written two-year health guarantee on all of our puppies. Some congenital issues are guaranteed for life! Check out the “Health Guarantee” tab for more info (or contact me).