Meet my family and I
A former public school administrator (over 20 years in public education)who along with my family and friends raise our dogs and puppies. My wife, eight children and I live in Central Illinois. Our eight children are all biologically ours and are 27 years old and younger. None of them are twins! We have 4 boys and 4 girls. The oldest two (boys) are married as well as my second daughter, Bethany. We are blessed with seven grandchildren all 9 years of age or younger! Our home is on 2 acres of in rural Central Illinois. It is part of our children's schooling that they play a key role in the care of the adult dogs and their puppies. We believe that by ensuring that our family help with the proper care of our pets, they in turn will be more responsible parents and citizens. Character building and a Christian upbringing is more important to my wife and I than any academics they are taught. Properly raising our dogs is an integral part of the process of building character in our children. Our two youngest children earn money for every puppy that is sold as they each have daily, individual responsibilities. With the help of family and friends we raise these puppies and their parents! That is more about us!
Below are some pictures of me and my family. My wife, Angie, and I have been married for over 25 years. Our children are Frankie, who’s married to Chelsea. They have two kids named Frank (too many Franks!) & Izzy. Next is our son Nick, who’s married to Elizabeth (aka “Parker”). Their kids are Ryleigh & Ben. Next is our daughters Hannah, and Bethany, who’s married to Ben. Our sons Jeremiah and Christopher (aka “Bubby”), and our last two girls, Elsie and Mary.